Quran Surat Al-An'am ayat 60
Dan Dialah yang menidurkan kamu di malam hari dan Dia mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan di siang hari, kemudian Dia membangunkan kamu pada siang hari untuk disempurnakan umur(mu) yang telah ditentukan, kemudian kepada Allah-lah kamu kembali, lalu Dia memberitahukan kepadamu apa yang dahulu kamu kerjakan. Q.S Al-An'am : 60A.
Quran Surat Al-ankabuut ayat 45
Bacalah apa yang telah diwahyukan kepadamu, yaitu Al Kitab (Al Quran) dan dirikanlah shalat. Sesungguhnya shalat itu mencegah dari (perbuatan- perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. Dan sesungguhnya mengingat Allah (shalat) adalah lebih besar (keutamaannya dari ibadat-ibadat yang lain). Dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan Q.S Al-Ankabuut : 45.
Menjadi Kaya dengan sedekah
Jika kamu menampakkan sedekah(mu, maka itu adalah baik sekali. Dan jika kamu menyembunyikannya dan kamu berikan kepada orang-orang fakir, maka menyembunyikan itu lebih baik bagimu. Dan Allah akan menghapuskan dari kamu sebagian kesalahan-kesalahanmu; dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan Q.S Al-Baqarah : 172.
Quran Surat Ar-ahman ayat 33
Hai jama'ah jin dan manusia, jika kamu sanggup menembus (melintasi) penjuru langit dan bumi, maka lintasilah, kamu tidak dapat menembusnya kecuali dengan kekuatan.Q.S Ar-rahman : 33.
Quran Surat Al hasyr ayat 59
(Bujukan orang-orang munafik itu adalah) seperti (bujukan) shaitan ketika dia berkata kepada manusia: "Kafirlah kamu", maka tatkala manusia itu telah kafir, maka ia berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri dari kamu, karena sesungguhnya aku takut kepada Allah, Rabb semesta Alam."
Selasa, 24 Maret 2009
Refusal an Invitation
09 January
To Ridwan
Thank you for a letter. I’m fine thanks. I’m sorry Ridwan I wish I could follow you go on vacation in Cipanas Garut but, I have another plans, I have to collect my writing assignment next week. Therefore, I must do it from this time that is the cause why I can’t follow with you.
Your family are fine and miss you a lot, they said they want to see you this Monday, especially your little sister, she is very happy when she heard that you send a letter to me.
The last, take care and thanks for your invitation.
Irfan Aditya Warman
Go on Vacation for Celebrating a New Year
25 December
Dear my friend Taufik
Hello my friend, how are you? Are you free at 1st of January? How if we go on vacation and celebrating a new year? I have contacted the others too.We plan to go to Situ Cileunca. The lake is beautiful! The place is fresh and clean. Therefore, we can enjoy and have fun there.
We are planning to meet in my home at 07.00 am. Oh yeah! Do not forget to take your bike cause we go with owns bike too. Don’t be late at the time, we are waiting you.
Wish you followed with us!
Irfan Aditya W, your friend
Go on vacation
25 December
Dear my friend Taufik
Hello my friend, how are you? Are you free at 1st of January? How if we go on vacation and celebrating a new year? I have contacted the others too.We plan to go to Situ Cileunca. The lake is beautiful! The place is fresh and clean. Therefore, we can enjoy and have fun there.
We are planning to meet in my home at 07.00 am. Oh yeah! Do not forget to take your bike cause we go with owns bike too. Don’t be late at the time, we are waiting you.
Wish you followed with us!
Irfan Aditya W, your friend
Giving Suggestion
02 January
Dear my friend Taufik
Hi, Taufik are you okay? Where you put your smile? You look like have any problem lately. Come on my friend you can to wake up from your problem and do not consider your self alone you still have a friend especially in class A, you can share with us about everything you want because class A is be your family now.
Oh yeah, if something happened to you and you can’t go to the campus, you must inform your classmate for giving the information to the lecturer. Don’t be lazy because you have strong desire. Don’t ask who I am, I’m a mysterious man but you must understand about my purpose, you can believe your friend.
The last from me keep your smile and be your self.
Mysterious man, your friend
Mauled Prophet Muhammad SAW
Celebration in Indonesia
A lot of Moslem in Indonesia celebrates Mauled of Prophet Muhammad SAW with many religions ceremonial such as reading Shalawat, Barzanji praises or inviting speaker in the mosque.
Time of Celebration
Actually, a time for celebrates the Mauled of Prophet Muhammad SAW is began from the morning until praying Dzuhur with many ceremonial it’s continue after praying Isya up to 10.00 pm with Tausyiah from the speaker.
Bandung The Sweetest Place
Bandung has many impressive sights to see, ranging from historical such as Bandung lautan api, Tangkuban perahu legend. Bandung is the place of Asian – African conference which was a meeting of Asian and Africans states in 1995. Bandung also has many artistic buildings such as Gedung Sate and has many museums.
Bandung is an artistic city. Angklung is one of or other art in Bandung that has become unseparated, part from the history of Indonesian for many centuries. The glorious Voice of Angklung respected not only by our nation, but also by international community. Kabaya is the traditional shirt from bandung, it can make the used feel comfortable and the Kabaya never miss the period.
Bandung is a beautiful city, truly lung of country that is rich with its traditional style and sense of history. You never bored walk out in Bandung because the Bandung condition. You may feel comfortable in Bandung and you will say Bandung is the sweetest place; it gives you everything you need.
My sweety house
On the first floor, there are three bedrooms, a bathrooms and a toilet. On the second floor, there is my bedroom with two windows. Behind the house, there is a rice field. I feel comfortable when I present in my house with all part of my family, because my house is my favorite place always give me many inspirations.
looking for new friend

Age and genders : 18-year-old, male
Location : Bandung
Country : Indonesia
About me : I am student at English Department of Bale Bandung university. I love singing, playing guitar and listening to the radio. I am an easygoing people and funny people. I like meeting new people for discussing about something useful. I hate waiting for some one. I hate a talkative and curious people.
Looking for : I want to make a friend male or female around the world. I like to correspond with people who like music and interested in it. I am not looking for a rebellious or untidy people. So, let be my friend and we can share and talk about music and all a lot of things.
First thanks god, Allah SWT who has given me the mercy and blessing, piece and prayer to Prophet Muhammad SAW as my paragon in my live. Thanks my parents who always support me, Mr. Ichsan Taufiq as a Writing lecturer, all my friends in class A and other side who have helped me in completed this sheets pack codification.
As we know writing is part, of important thing that must be learned by a humans in the world who use the language for communication cause writing is one of alternative way, not only for communicate with other humans but also to express something in side hearth or mind.
Writing is a funny portion when it has become a hobby for humans because by writing some one can invent complagency. Writing is one of way to divisible a science, art, or any experience that are valuable for a humans living.
Nevertheless, Writing is a frequently difficult skill either for humans who use some of language or for humans who learn any language, Barbara kroll said: “Writing is frequently a difficult skill for any language user, which is to say that writing presents a challenging task for either native or nonnative”.
This sheets pack codification is based on assignment from writing I lecturer and one of the training as a teacher candidate in the future. It is far from a being perfect so I hope the reader can give author a suggestion and may a author have correct its. The last from author thanks for availability to read this sheets pack.